HypnoHelp LLC Professional Hypnosis for YOUR Well-Being
HypnoHelp LLC Professional Hypnosis for YOUR Well-Being
Very simply stated, reincarnation is the evolution of the soul/life energy... that separates from the physical body upon death. After a period of time the soul/life energy enters a new body, usually while in utero...and the new lifetime begins.
Sometimes memories, patterns or skills/abilities are brought forth from previous lifetimes.
Remember the First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
First described in The Upanishads by Patanjali about 800 years before the birth of Christ, reincarnation is a basic tenet of many of the world's major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Muslim, Sikhism, Taoism, Kabbalistic Judaism, New Age, Indigenous religions, Gnostic Christianity, an estimated 25% of mainstream Christianity.
Some of our most advanced thinkers including Socrates, Plato, Gandhi and Thomas Edison, were proponents.
When we begin to understand the mechanisms of reincarnation, we come to understand that we may have control over the future direction of our souls.
Through PLR we can discharge the energy behind current fears, phobias, limiting beliefs.
It is possible to remediate health issues, relationship patterns, problems with money and success that may be related to previous life traumas, vows, promises, oaths...and even karmic debt.
PLR or Past Life Regression is a way to 'visit' past life situations or scenarios.
Regression simply means 'going back.'
PLR may be accomplished during waking state (perhaps as triggered by sights, sounds, situation related to a previous lifetime), during dreamtime or meditation, or during group or private hypnosis sessions.
1. Birthmarks, scars, birth defects related to verified previous death wound
2. Xenoglossy - the ability to speak a language to which no connection exists in this lifetime
3. Innate Talent- ability to play an instrument or have knowledge of a subject unknown, unlearned in this lifetime.
4. Verifiable Past Life Memories such as knowledge of the layout of a town never visited, previous life phone numbers, previous family members names.
"I look at death to be as necessary to the constitution as sleep. We shall arise again in the morning." -Benjamin Franklin
"So as through a glass and darkly, the age-long strife I see, where I fought in many guises, but always me."-General George S. Patton
"I have been born more times than anybody except Krishna." -Mark Twain
"Souls are poured from one into another of different kinds of bodies of the world." -Jesus Christ, Gnostic Gospel Pistis Sophia
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